Just Save Water

Saving water is vital during droughts that come with climate change. It saves expensive energy used to run pumps that bring water to your tap – and will also reduce your water bill. Here are some simple things you can do to save water: 

Always turn taps off tightly so they do not drip. Over the year, one drop each second adds up to an amount of water which could fill 85 bathtubs! If the tap keeps dripping – replace it.

Check for possible leaks - if your water meter keeps moving while you don’t have any water running, there might be a leak. 

Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth. You can save up to 14 liters of water in two minutes. 

Note that every time you take a shower instead of a bath, you cut your water consumption by half.
Make sure your toilet doesn’t continue to run after you flush it. This can waste up to 200,000 liters of water each year.

Use a bowl in the sink when washing fruits and vegetables. You can then reuse the water to water your plants.

Do not run half-empty washing machines or dishwashers.
When hand-washing dishes, do not run water continuously.
If you prefer to drink cold water, fill a jug of water, keep it in your fridge – and have a cool drink whenever you need it. Don’t let the tap run until cold water comes out.
If you have a garden, water your lawn every three to five days, rather than for a short period every day. Less watering is needed during spring, fall, or cool weather.
Water your lawn earlier in the morning, because that it when the least amount of evaporation and runoff will occur. Do not water on windy days.
Consider collecting rainwater and using it for your garden.
Wash your car with a sponge and bucket, instead of a hose or pressure washer. This can save up to 300 liters of water each time you wash your car!

* SOURCES – ofwat.gov.uk, volusia.org, friendsoftheearth.uk
